martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Hi you all! :)

Here is David, and as I promise, I send you the list with all the data collected. I have decided to publish it on a blog because it will be easier to upgrade and improve the list online than sending out all the time different versions. I think nobody wants hundreds of xls in its computers :)

I also have added some new camps of information, as skype (very usefull here in the dormitories), facebook and so on. As a high bunch of people asked for it, a "boyfriend or girlfriend?" question has been added too.

What about? I need your help for improving more over the list, as there is a lot of new people in the dormitories, mainly from Portugal, Greece and Spain, but also from other countries. If you have new friends, please tell them about this blog, and if the wish, they can join the list with their personal data. Important: it is not an obligation to write down ALL the camps, if you dont want to give some information, you havent to do it.

Because of this, even despite I have some personal information about some of you, I havent published it yet, as I prefer you to write me an email asking for it.

Where to mail? :)

Tell everybody!!! And thanks!!!

Best wishes :)

PS: Erasmus Brno Tour Number 1

PSS: Important again, please check your information to be sure everything is ok. It is possible that some of you dont receive this mail as I couldnt understand some writes :(. If so, send me a mail!

1 comentario:

  1. eys se podria utilizar esto tambien para poner las quedadas y los planes,ya que supongo que cuando estemos en clase coincidiremos menos. Y para que la gente suba las fotillos y ponga aqui un url o algo

    Con que la gente se registrase y se le diera permiso para publicar se podria
